What is the sound of silence?

Ask the ones whose ears are their enemies,

Ask the ones who have a desperate want for it

For they can listen to sounds that others can’t.

Rather they listen to sounds that are supposed to be heard.

Donald goes on eating happily.

“Chomp, chomp ,chomp”, says he.

But little does he know that that sound

Makes someone want to rip off their ear,

Makes someone want to pull their hair,

Makes someone want to strangle him with a wire.

Scientists call the likes of us ‘Misophonics’.

This disorder is not like this word seems.

It is not a fear of sounds but a hatred for specific sounds.

Sounds that are too insignificant for others

But our brains are too sensitive towards.

We are not cranky, we are not irritable,

Our brains have made our lives miserable.

We can’t enjoy a family dinner

Without fighting back a tear,

Without fighting back the urge to disappear.

So, we know the sound of silence better than anyone

For we experience bliss when we get to listen to one.

But don’t worry,

Listening to the sound of silence you will not miss

For there will always come an instance

When we all will crave the sound of silence.

— Pradnya .C. Acharya,

A misophonic.

You can find the author of this poem at:

Twitter @AcharyaPradnya

Instagram: @stepup_pradnya01



Hear Our Misophonia

My name is Kshara Bass — Misophonia advocate & Misophone. |Raising awareness for this disorder through myself and others|